The tomato plants are growing like mad. So is the summer squash. If you haven't planted a garden yet this spring, it's not too late. Even easier than the cinder-block method I used for my main garden, is the "pot" method, which requires two steps: buying a pot and filling it with potting soil. Seriously, the four plants I have in pots — summer squash, zucchini, butternut squash and melon — seem to grow inches every day.
Other notes: We have already eaten a lot of the Swiss chard and have watched it grow back. We've eaten all of the arugula and are hoping it grows back. We use the herbs often. One of our pepper plants hasn't budged since we put it in the ground. And our neighbor's cat thinks our garden is an enormous kitty litter, but so far hasn't caused any damage.
Blossoms from a summer squash plant:
Not quite sure what this is. It's either melon or butternut squash:
Garden as a whole: